Economic crisis, crisis, trauma, PTSDAbstract
The aim of the research is to examine in detail the levels of depression and trauma in individuals who were affected by the economic crisis in TRNC and went bankrupt. The research was conducted in May 2019 among a total of 100 participants, 50 bankrupt and 50 non-bankrupt, living in TRNC. It was made between. In addition to the Sociodemographic Information Form developed by the researchers, the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Questionnaire Civilian Version (PCL-C) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were used in the study. Findings: Individuals who were affected by the economic crisis and went bankrupt had higher levels of depression than individuals who did not go bankrupt. and the level of trauma was determined (p<0.05). A highly significant relationship was found between trauma and depression in bankrupt individuals (p<0.05). In the research, it was seen that economic problems are not limited to economic life only, but can increase the levels of depression and trauma by creating negative psychological effects on individuals. It has been demonstrated once again that social protection measures and public health programs should be included in TRNC despite traumatic and stressful life events such as economic crisis.
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