The Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Case Study
Generalized anxiety disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy, peer bullying, sexual identity, stress copingAbstract
This article examines the experience of a 16-year-old high school student, Mr. B, who has been dealing with generalized anxiety disorder and the application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in his treatment process. Mr. Bfaced various challenges, including family conflicts, peer bullying, and identity questions, all of which negatively impacted his emotional balance and overall quality of life. Through the course of treatment, CBT provided methods for managing negative thoughts and improving stress-coping skills, resulting in significant progress. The study details how CBT helped reduce Mr. B’s anxiety, restore emotional stability, and address the difficulties he faced in social relationships. Therapeutic interventions aimed to strengthen both his psychological and social functioning, leading to positive outcomes. This case highlights the effectiveness of CBT in treating anxiety disorders in young individuals and underscores the importance of such clinical practices.
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