Investigation of PTSD And Psychopathological Symptoms in Drug Users*
Post-traumatic stress disorder, Psychopathological symptoms., Substance useAbstract
This study aims to investigate posttraumatic stress disorder and psychopathological symptoms in substance users. The sample of the study is comprised of male and female participants who non-substance users 75 substance users 75 in Near East University in Nicosia. The data used in the research; The Personal Information Form was obtained from the participants through the Model European Alcohol Questionnaire, Post Traumatic Symptom Scale and SCL-90-Psychological Symptom Check Scale. The individuals using the substance were mostly male, individuals who are above 25 years of age, single they had a fragmented family, they did not work, and most of the individuals who used the substance did not live their parents. At the same time, depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder differed significantly from the psychopathological symptoms which are one of the main objectives of our study. According to another result of this study, it was found that they used the most alcohol in all of the young people and then they used cigarettes.In the control group, there is no university student who uses substances other than cigarettes and alcohol. In individuals with substance use, the most commonly used substances after alcohol and cigarettes were marijuana, pill, volatile matter, amphetamine, senthetic cannabnoid, cocaine, heroin, anabolic steroid and finally LSD. In cooperation with non-governmental organizations, media, universities and other organizations, war against drug use must be established and long-term preventive plans and programs should be developed.
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