About the Journal

European Archives of Social Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed, quick-refereeing open access journal published online tri-monthly by Ebru Tansel. EEASS is a journal published by Ebru Tansel through the Cyprus Mental Health Institute, and aims to share knowledge and discussions in the field of science and social sciences by reaching the widest possible audience. The journal welcomes both applied and theoretical research that pushes the boundaries of existing approaches by bridging disciplines and social science communities. It attracts papers from a wide range of fields, including anthropology, criminology, economics, education, geography, history, Law, linguistic, political science, psychology, social policy, social work, sociology, and other related sciences. EASS aims to present the latest and emerging science in the field to both academia and the wider public, thereby maintaining its place as a dynamic platform for social science research.

Journal Name: European Archives of Social Sciences

Journal initials: EASS

Journal Abbreviation: European Arch. Soc. Sci

Year of Establishment: 2024

ISSN: 3061-9572

Type: International, Peer Reviewed

Publication Language: Turkish, English

Publication Periodical: Three issues per year

Access Type: Open Access

Evaluation Process: Double blind reviewer

Editor: Asist. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Eş

Concessionaire: Prof.Dr. Ebru Tansel

Publisher: Kıbrıs Ruh Sağlığı Enstitüsü