Deposit Policy

The European Archieves of Social Sciences recognizes the strategic importance of Open Access to Information and is committed to disseminating the results of scientific activity as widely as possible.
Open access to information is the free, instant, online accessibility of scientific articles that allows any user to read, copy, print, distribute, use for any legal purpose without any financial or technical hindrance.
The electronic publication of scientific research results enables the free sharing of ideas and information with the scientific community and the public. Removing access barriers will make scientific communication more effective and increase the visibility and impact of research.
The European Archieves of Social Sciences believes that you should ensure the long-term management and protection of digital scientific studies produced by Researchers. It also aims to provide the widest possible access to scientific studies produced by researchers.

1-Implementing Open Access to publications of the European Social Science Archives Journal through complementary models by the Cyprus Turkish Mental Health Institute:

  • Archiving data in issues published by European Archieves of Social Sciences in Cyprus Mental Health Institute’s Corporate Archive;
  • Archiving data in universities and other libraries of the data published by the European Archieves of Social Sciences;
  • Policy archiving of the European Archieves of Social Sciences in the SHERPA / RoMEO database;
  • Registration in the European Archieves of Social Sciences’s DOAJ International Directory (Open Access Journals).
  1. Registration of the Cyprus Turkish Mental Health Institute's Institutional Policy on Open Access with the Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies (ROARMAP), as a form of institutional authorization, to permit open access to publicly funded scientific research outcomes.

  2. Registration of the Cyprus Turkish Mental Health Institute Institutional Repository in the Registry of Open Access Repository (ROAR) for Open Access Depositories.