Self-Change and Self-Efficacy in the Romantic Relationships
Self and self efficacy in relationships
Romantic relationship, Self-change, Self-efficacyAbstract
People tend to communicate and establish relationships from the moment of birth, and at the same time they need it. The relationships established vary in terms of what kind of needs they meet. In this context, when romantic relationships are examined, it is seen that they lead to some changes in partners. A few of these changes are collected under the heading of self-change and self-efficacy. In romantic relationships, individuals affect each other’s selves positively or negatively, and romantic relationships also have a noticeable effect on the self-efficacy of partners. When the literature is examined, it is seen that romantic relationships lead to changes in an individual’s self. In this study, it is aimed to examine what kind of changes self-efficacy, relational self-change and its sub-dimensions, gender roles and attitudes, interpersonal thoughts and beliefs create in the partner in romantic relationships.
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