Investigation of the Role of Emotions and Emotion Regulation Skills in Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Emotions, Emotion Regulation, Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety DisorderAbstract
In this study; the roles of the intensity of experiencing feelings of anxiety, sadness, disgust, anger, guilt, joy and calmness, and difficulties in regulating these emotions in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) symptoms were investigated. The research was carried out with 533 participants in the 18-65 age range. In the study, the Emotion Regulation Skills Questionnaire-Emotion Spesific (ERSQ- ES) and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) were used as assessment tools. For analysis; T-test analysis and analysis of variance for repeated measurements were used. Analysis showed that the participants who have the symptoms of GAD more high level experienced negative emotions with a higher intensity, while they experienced positive emotions at a lower intensity and experienced more difficulties in terms of their ability to regulate specific emotions. Individuals in the upper-symptom group predominantly experience feelings of anxiety and sadness; On the other hand, the individuals in the sub-symptom group predominantly experienced the feelings of joy and calmness. There is a significant differences about emotions and emotional patterns according to GAD symptoms level. The results are discussed in the light of the relevant literature.
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