test anxiety, parenting behavior, parent child relations, personality, academic performance, university studentsAbstract
Examination anxiety is a key factor influencing academic performance as well as future trajectories of students. This study aimed to examine the relationship between personality traits, parenting styles, and examination anxiety among students. A sample of 400 students was surveyed from Igbariam Nigeria with the convenience sampling technique. Three instruments were used in the study namely; the personality inventory scale, parenting style inventory, and examination anxiety scale. The results show that both parenting styles and personality traits predict exam anxiety. Lower openness to experience and conscientiousness as well as higher extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism predict increased test anxiety. Openness to experience and conscientiousness are associated with creativity adaptability, self-discipline, and efficiency which are likely to increase exam preparedness and test-wiseness. On the other hand, parenting styles with elevated parental responsiveness and demandingness; and lower autonomy granting predicted higher exam anxiety. Access to course material and the utilization of external learning resources were linked to reduced exam anxiety. Parenting styles and the personality traits of the offspring were revealed to have a reciprocal causal relationship. The study suggests that learning should be more student-focused to foster more student engagement which is linked to less exam anxiety and better academic performance.
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